Materia Socio-Medica (Mater Sociomed) is one of the oldest public health journals in Europe, established in 1978, and among the most important journals for public health in South-Eastern Europe. The Journal covers all important public health professional, academic and research areas in this field and publishes original research papers, reviews, viewpoints, news notes, letters and other items on topics related to public health, epidemiology, social medicine and health care organization, health management & economics.
Exaly is a non-profit project to address the absence of an open and comprehensive resource of scholarly literature and scientometric data. It provides almost all services by Google Scholar, Web of Science, Publons, Scopus, Crossref, and ResearchGate combined.
Health Professionals' Perception of the Importance of Teamwork and Factors Influencing Teamwork – a Quantitative Cross-sectional Study
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.126-130
Subtalar Arthroereisis for Symptomatic Flexible Flatfoot in Adolescents: A Prospective Study of 26 Feet
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.131-136
Heart Failure After Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Comprehensive Analysis from Bosnia and Herzegovina
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.110-114
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Among Internally Displaced People in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG)
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.120-125
Outcomes of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest with Initial Shockable Rhythm: The Role of Bystander and Dispatch-Guided CPR in Sarajevo's Physician-Led Emergency Medical Teams
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.115-119


The ICMJE up-dated the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

Health Professionals' Perception of the Importance of Teamwork and Factors Influencing Teamwork – a Quantitative Cross-sectional Study
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.126-130
Subtalar Arthroereisis for Symptomatic Flexible Flatfoot in Adolescents: A Prospective Study of 26 Feet
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.131-136
Heart Failure After Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Comprehensive Analysis from Bosnia and Herzegovina
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.110-114
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination Among Internally Displaced People in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG)
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.120-125
Outcomes of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest with Initial Shockable Rhythm: The Role of Bystander and Dispatch-Guided CPR in Sarajevo's Physician-Led Emergency Medical Teams
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2024.36.115-119


The ICMJE up-dated the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

Editorial Board
The key role of a journal editor is to promote scholarship in the specialist field associated with the journal, whilst also promoting the journal as the best journal to publish in. For any journal the editor will need to encourage new and established authors to submit articles and set up a reliable panel of expert reviewers. Editors are also responsible for offering feedback to reviewers when required and ensure that any feedback to authors is constructive.
Instructions for authors
As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, Mater Socio-Med provides a platform for the publication of the scientific research in the area of public health. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from classroom to informal learning.
Academy of Medical Sciences of 
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ISSN: 1512-7680 (Print)
1986-597X (Electronic)