Comparison of Resilience and Psychological Wellbeing in Women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Normal Women
Hosien Shahdadi, Abbas Balouchi, Ameneh Shaykh
MATER SOCIO-MED:2017; 29-2: 105-108
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2017.29.105-108
Palliative Care: a Cross Sectional Study Focused on Different Capacity Building Programmes Evaluated Through Self- Rated Knowledge and Efficiency in Family Medicine Tutors
Erika Zelko, Polona Selic, Stanislav Malacic
MATER SOCIO-MED:2017; 29-2: 114-118
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2017.29.114-118
Seasonal and Monthly Variation in Stroke and its Subtypes10 Year Hospital-Based Study
Ahmad Bahonar, Alireza Khosravi, FariborzKhorvash, Mohammadreza Maracy, Mohammad Saadatnia
MATER SOCIO-MED:2017; 29-2: 119-123
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2017.29.119-123
Receptive Vocabulary and Cognition of Elderly People in Institutional Care
Amela Ibrahimagic, Lejla Junuzovic Zunic, Omer C. Ibrahimagic, Dzevdet Smajlovic, Mirsada Rasidovic
MATER SOCIO-MED:2017; 29-2: 124-128
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2017.29.124-128
Importance of Early Detection of Potentially Malignant Lesions in the Prevention of Oral Cancer
Sanja Hadzic, Mirjana Gojkov-Vukelic, Enes Pasic, Almir Dervisevic
MATER SOCIO-MED:2017; 29-2: 129-133
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2017.29.129-133
Examination of Risk Factors for the Development of Surgical Site Infections
Slobodan Stanic, Janja Bojanic, Predrag Grubor, Biljana Mijovic, Veljko Maric
MATER SOCIO-MED:2017; 29-2: 134-137
PDF - FULL TEXT | DOI: 10.5455/msm.2017.29.134-137